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360degrees - Perspectives on the U.S. Criminal Justice System

360degrees grew out of our concern about the increasing numbers of incarcerated Americans. Since 1980, the prison population has quadrupled, there are over two million Americans behind bars today. Most of those sent to prison are black or Hispanic and poor. The social policies that create and sustain our punitive system are often based on fear and a lack of understanding. With, we have set out to create a space to where people with diverse stories can come together to share their experiences and opinions and engage in a productive dialogue. It is our hope that this site will challenge your perceptions about who is in prison today and why, and that it will generate ideas, big and small, about how we can make positive changes in our communities


The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice A private non-profit organization whose mission is to reduce society's reliance on the use ofincarceration as a solution to social problems.

"The cost of liberation is less than the price of repression."

--W.E.B. DuBois

Southwest Alliance to Resist Militarization


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